Privacy Policy

Elloro Privacy Policy – This Policy describes how we process your personal data.

It applies to your use of Elloro’s services for providing audio and other content, including all Elloro websites and software applications (collectively, the “Elloro Service“) and to any audio or other content that is made available through the Elloro Service (the “Content“).  

Elloro collects and retains the personal data that we need to create your Elloro account and to enable your use the Elloro Service. This may include your:

  • account name
  • email address
  • password (encrypted)
  • your actions within the Elloro Service (including date and time)
    • search queries
    • audio purchase history
    • audio session play history
    • account settings
  • ratings of Content
  • feedback information on the Elloro service.
  • information such as the device name, device identifiers

Access: To request a copy of your personal data from Elloro, you should contact us using the information on the Contact page of our website (

Rectification: You may edit your User Data under “Edit profile” in your account and you should contact us using the information on the Contact page of our website.

Erasure: To remove data retained by Elloro from your device then you should uninstall Elloro software from your device.  You should contact us using the information on the Contact page of our website to request that we erase your personal data from Elloro.

Your other rights: You may contact Elloro directly to exercise your rights at any time. Please contact us using the information on the Contact page of our website

Elloro servers are located in the UK and we comply with all European Data Protection regulations and laws including GDPR.

For information on data collection polices by Apple go to For information on data collection policies by Google go to

While it is unlikely that law enforcement will contact us, if they were to do so then we would provide them with the information that the prevailing law requires of us.

For help, please contact us using the information on the Contact page of our website (

May 2022